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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - lace


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Перевод с английского языка lace на русский

1. шнурок; шнуровка corset lace —- корсетный шнурок cut the lace —- разрежь шнуровку 2. спорт. шнуровка мяча 3. тесьма gold lace —- золотой галун 4. кружево, кружева bones lace —- плетеное кружево needle lace —- кружево, вязаное крючком insertion lace —- прошивка 5. тюль guimp lace —- гипюр lace curtains —- тюлевые занавески 6. небольшое количество коньяка, ликера, прибавляемое в кофе 7. тех. ременная, сыромятная сшивка 8. шнуровка to lace (up) one's boots —- зашнуровать ботинки 9. отделывать, украшать кружевом 10. бить, хлестать, стегать 11. прибавлять коньяк, ром в кофе a glass of milk laced with rum —- стакан молока с чуточкой рома 12. разг. нападать, набрасываться (на кого-л) 13. разг. резко критиковать 14. расцвечивать Id: to lace smb.'s jacket —- отхлестать кого-л.
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  boots ботинки на шнурках LACE  1. noun  1) шнурок, тесьма  2) кружево  3) галун (обыкн. gold lace, silver lace)  4) coll. коньяк/ликер, подбавленный к кофе и т.п.  2. v.  1) шнуровать to lace up ones shoes - шнуровать ботинки  2) стягиваться корсетом (тж. lace in) Modern fashions, fortunately, do not demand that women should be laced in.  3) украшать, отделывать, окаймлять (галуном, кружевом и т.п.) (with) The princes coat was of black silk laced with gold thread.  4) бить, хлестать, стегать, пороть  5) coll. подбавлять спиртные напитки coffee laced with brandy - кофе с коньяком  6) coll. придавать вкус, пикантность - lace into to lace smb. s jacket - избить кого-л. LACE into  а) coll. набрасываться, нападать Fearlessly, Jim laced in to his attackers, and soon they all lay unconscious on the ground.  б) coll. резко критиковать LACE paper бумага с кружевным узором ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) кружево 2) переплести 3) переплетать 4) сеть 5) сшивать 6) сшить lace a conveyer belt — сшивать конвейерную ленту ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  шнурок; тесьма; материал для сшивки (напр. лент конвейеров) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) шнур(ок); тесьма скреплять шнурком 2) материал для затяжки (кровли и стенок выработки) 3) материал для сшивки (лент конвейера, ремённых передач) 4) пробивать отверстия в перфокарте 5) кружево - knitted lace - Raschel lace - tricot laces LACE сокр. от liquid air cycle engine (ракетно-турбинный) двигатель с ожижением атмосферного воздуха ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a fine open fabric, esp. of cotton or silk, made by weaving thread in patterns and used esp. to trim blouses, underwear, etc. 2 a cord or leather strip passed through eyelets or hooks on opposite sides of a shoe, corsets, etc., pulled tight and fastened. 3 braid used for trimming esp. dress uniform (gold lace). --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by up) a fasten or tighten (a shoe, corsets, etc.) with a lace or laces. b compress the waist of (a person) with a laced corset. 2 tr. flavour or fortify (coffee, beer, etc.) with a dash of spirits. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by with) a streak (a sky etc.) with colour (cheek laced with blood). b interlace or embroider (fabric) with thread etc. 4 tr. & (foll. by into) intr. colloq. lash, beat, defeat. 5 tr. (often foll. by through) pass (a shoelace etc.) through. 6 tr. trim with lace. Phrases and idioms lace-glass Venetian glass with lacelike designs. lace-pillow a cushion placed on the lap and providing support in lacemaking. lace-up --n. a shoe fastened with a lace. --attrib.adj. (of a shoe etc.) fastened by a lace or laces. Etymology: ME f. OF laz, las, lacier ult. f. L laqueus noose ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; lacing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin laqueare to ensnare, from laqueus  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to draw together the edges of by or as if by a ~ passed through eyelets ~s her fingers behind her head  2. to draw or pass (as a ~) through something (as eyelets)  3. to confine or compress by tightening ~s of a garment  4.  a. to adorn with or as if with ~ the surrounding countryside was ~d with villages and hamlets — L. C. Heinemann  b. to mark with streaks of color  5. beat, lash  6.  a. to add a dash of liquor to  b. to add something to impart pungency, savor, or zest to a sauce ~d with garlic conversation ~d with sarcasm  c. to adulterate with a substance ~d a guard's coffee with a sedative  intransitive verb  1. to admit of being tied or fastened with a ~  2. to make a verbal attack — usually used with into his boss ~d into him for being late  • ~r noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~, laz, from Latin laqueus snare  Date: 14th century  1. a cord or string used for drawing together two edges (as of a garment or a shoe)  2. an ornamental braid for trimming coats or uniforms  3. an openwork usually figured fabric made of thread or yarn and used for trimmings, household coverings, and entire garments  • ~d adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (laces, lacing, laced) 1. Lace is a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it. It is made by twisting together very fine threads of cotton to form patterns. ...a plain white lace bedspread. N-UNCOUNT 2. Laces are thin pieces of material that are put through special holes in some types of clothing, especially shoes. The laces are tied together in order to tighten the clothing. Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. If you lace something such as a pair of shoes, you tighten the shoes by pulling the laces through the holes, and usually tying them together. I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble. = tie VERB: V n • Lace up means the same as lace. He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots... Nancy was lacing her shoe up when the doorbell rang. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 4. To lace food or drink with a substance such as alcohol or a drug means to put a small amount of the substance into the food or drink. She laced his food with sleeping pills. VERB: V n with n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a fine cloth made with patterns of many very small holes  (a handkerchief trimmed with lace | lace curtains)  (- see also lacy) 2 a string that is pulled through special holes in shoes or clothing to pull the edges together and fasten them ~2 v 1 also lace up to pull something together or fasten something by tying a lace1 (2)  (Lace up your shoes or you'll trip over. | lace sth to)  (The canvas was laced to a steel frame.) 2 to pass a string or lace1 (2) through holes in something such as a pair of shoes 3 to add a small amount of alcohol or a drug to a drink  (lace sth with)  (coffee laced with Irish whiskey) 4 be laced with if a book, lesson, speech etc is laced with something, it has a lot of a particular quality all through it  (The novel is laced with sexual imagery.) 5 literary to weave or twist something together  (Hannah laced her fingers together.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1230, from O.Fr. las "a net, noose, string," from L. laqueus, "noose, snare," a trapping and hunting term; the "ornamental net pattern" meaning is first recorded 1555. Sense of "cord for tying" remains in shoelace. To lace coffee, etc., with a dash of liquor (1677) was originally used of sugar, and comes via the notion of "accessory, trimmings." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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